Saturday, January 2, 2010


2nd Lesson
Lecture2-Internet Search Facilities

What I had learned today?

It is only the second lesson..I have enjoyed the lesson so far. I had learned about the different kinds of internet resources,using any search facility - information, advocacy, business, news, personal and entertaining. Each of us has one research topic to work on. I had chosen on the eating disorders on teenagers. I think I might have eating disorders as well but maybe not that serious. Some of my friends have eating disorders. I think its an interesting topic and can learn a lot about it.I guess so. Later I got to identify which internet resource the given web is categorized in.

OK. So I found information about it and currently are from the sources of information and advocacy. The research is still going on. Information are mainly from advocacy which are the forums. Actually I seldom read forums, but by doing this research, it might interest me to go on forums next time to discuss on topics about anything. Those links on forums which I had taken down, I have not read them yet so I still not sure whether it will really help me in my research.

We were also given another assignment. We got to 'shop' online and also 'given' $500 each. We were supposed to post pictures on the items we want to buy and write a short brief about it like why we choose to buy this blah blah blah...

I think I shall do this assignment tomorrow =P



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